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"Concerned about a future for your daughter? Here is a wake-up call for us all. Andrew Gilchrist identifies the neglect and abuse of the ‘daughter’ in Western traditions. Read and embrace an inclusive vision for family, culture and religion."
John Duggan, D.Min., Ph.d
"An impressive read!"
Geri Savits-Fine
"Reading the introduction alone gave me goosebumps."
David Dyuti Sheil
"I feel smarter after reading it."
Liv S.
"How about I just read the sub-headings?"
Jackie Patterson
"Gilchrist presented me with a new way to view the “maiden” archetype. The Divine Daughter is often skipped over when delving into the psychological depths of mythology. We see her as a prize or a sacrifice, but we rarely stop to consider our relationship to her. We have a glimpse of her as she was right before she transforms into a hero or heroine (those are different journeys everyone must take), but we hardly stop to pay attention to her until she’s begun her own quest...
 This book goes into great detail to help us understand the fourth, often forgotten, member of the Divine family, and what our own relationship with her can tell us about ourselves. Gilchrist takes you on a journey to discover your relationship with the observed other of our daily lives, and how taking notice of this divine presence could change the way we think."

Emma Weylin,
Author of the Love Cursed series and Secret Blood series
"I found this book to be a very enjoyable read. I found it to be more of a conversation with, rather than a lecture from the author, which I absolutely appreciate.

Andrew Gilchrist takes an in depth look at many of the stories that we are told over and over, be they fictional, factual or mythological and puts them all together in such a way that the similarities of these voices can truly be heard. Some of the stories make you laugh, some make you cry, some make you angry and some give you hope. But most of all, it allows us to explore how we see (and how we don’t see) ‘The Divine Daughter’ and helps us to truly appreciate the importance of her voice. And now we are finally able to hear her voice everywhere.
Shannon B.
"This book made me mad!"
Danielle M.
"The book is woven together with stories, both ancient and modern. Gilchrist looks at contemporary issues and current events through a colorful lens of history, religious tradition, culture and mythology. It's incredibly applicable to anyone who is struggling to make sense of, or find peace within their faith tradition or culture, in a time of secularization and rapid cultural change.

The book will be invaluable for anyone who has gone through a faith transition, or who wonders how to keep the things they really value about their tradition, while also embracing some of the positive changes of globalism, diversity, and an increasingly secular world.

I loved Gilchrist's use of ancient imagery like the walled garden, or the hierarchy of a pyramid, and how these patterns repeat themselves as our social structures encounter new and challenging information. We sometimes want to expand the walls of the garden, and change can be very slow. We sometimes feel squeezed out by the traditional boundaries of our own culture or faith tradition. Gilchrist helps to frame this as a very old part of the human experience, and as part of finding our path in a diverse and abundant world.

I at first bought a Kindle edition, but decided to own a paper copy to be kept on my desk. It's full of post-it notes and underlined passages. This is what happens when I read something both challenging and wonderful!"

Rebecca Simpson Craft on Amazon Reviews
"What fascinating perspectives this book brings to how we got to here - well beyond the normal gender lens in the usual ways - instead going deeper and incorporating much broader,
novel perspectives.
It's a book that will spark a lot of thoughtful discussion and Amarok is delighted to be mentioned in it."
Tanyss Munro, Amarok Society
"In The Divine Daughter, Andrew Gilchrist 
has brought together evidence from 
History, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Mythology, and Religion to present a picture of the status of women,
past and present. 

He also offers insights into how humans can better honour each other in general, for an improved world 
and more sacred relationships."
Judy M.
"This book is an example of how 
growth as an individual can be inspiring. It has connected me back to a love of writing. I haven’t been this excited in years!"

Roadie Robertson
"After I read this book, my first thought was, 'What would have happened or changed for me if this was available to read
40 years ago?'

My life career had been mainly centred on reading dry procedural technical manuals. For me this was a fantastic experience to read a book that challenged both my instilled upbringing
and my current beliefs.
It raised questions on societies’ views of the 'daughter’. Let's hope it becomes a required High School read to open minds!"

Harry T.
“A joining of literature, philosophy, religion, music, psychology, and many other areas of study, this book is packed with references and information.
It starts with the fundamentals of character, setting, and story, relating them to the journey of daughters in our world. Then it ties all that together with solutions and a vision for the future.  
All of this in the form of a long and beautiful song.”
Joel G.
... GAAAAH!!"

Rob G.

Andrew Gilchrist tells a story that takes place over 5,000 years of human history; he reminds us of the wisdom of the ages as expressed through religious, philosophic and scientific minds from both the Eastern and Western world, all with the aim of encouraging us to be open to the gifts of the Other, whoever that might be. He uses the metaphor of the Daughter to bring to our awareness those who are often considered weak and inferior by cultural leaders and shows that in opening our ears to these voices we gain much more than we lose, as individuals and as a society.

As a Minister of the United Church of Canada, I found this book challenged me by prompting me to explore and name my own biases and faults and to more intentionally pursue my own personal spiritual growth; I was also confronted with questions about the role of the Church in society and my role within the Church. Some months after reading this book, my reflections and transformation continue.

‎I have the good fortune to have known Andrew for a number of years; Andrew has always impressed me with his integrity, his openness to life's experiences in whatever form they come, his questioning and contemplative nature, and his deep spirituality. 

I encourage you to pick up this book and read it, not to get through it, but to let the wisdom soak into your awareness. I would like to note that each chapter is loaded with illustrative stories‎ and deep insights. I heartily commend THE DIVINE DAUGHTER to your greater wisdom and understanding.
 Reverend Brad Ford
I had a great time with this book.
Like listening to an old friend, it was very familiar.
It felt very Canadian - so much of my generation and time!

It resonated well with me. It takes me to a certain time in Canada
and Canadian intellectual life.
But what I didn't expect was that it would be so poetic!

JJ Russell of My Goddamn Garage
A rich volume of expanding ideas and questions...
a meta-modern epic prose poem!

A line on the book's back cover artistically renders the stepping into this work, as "A boy fell in love with a girl and sung her a song". Very nice, that.

Gilchrist guides the reader on a lyrical journey, seeking and meeting daughters among ancient stories, and 21st century daughters whose stories have become partly mythologized. He begins with the two ancient daughters, those of Agamemnon and Jephthah. Two fathers whose stories match in their actions to sacrifice their beloved children. "Agamemnon failed the test of entropy. And his family was destroyed". These daughters are the initial base, from which Gilchrist expands, questioning the underlying contexts, particular decisions and directions of the daughter as the observed, and alternative directions and common patterns seen with humanity's newer daughters.

The book's notes, and reference bibliography is wide and deep. The chapters carry a lot of this weight into conversation with the reader. Beyond the primary source names from product description (Bernard Lonergan, Marshall McLuhan, Jordan Peterson, Northrop Frye), the author draws support from Plato, Homer, Ovid, Joseph Campbell, Nassim Taleb, JRR Tolkien, Carl Jung and Erich Neumann, Camille Paglia, Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, Emmanuel Levinas, Friedrich Nietzsche...

I've found the diagrams appearing infrequently, but very well-timed. This was quite helpful. The diagrams aid both the background and discussion, but also, and especially, when new ideas are presented.

Given 2021 as it is, the crumbling of trust in institutions, and informed voices being silenced, and a conversation of voices from 2017-2020 being hammered into a singular, shrill broadcast, maybe we need to re-train our ears to a quiet voice, one of an observed daughter. Andrew Gilchrist's book brings a greeting, an encouragement, a friendly conversation in writing, and I recommend checking out.

T. Pace on Amazon Reviews
Your book has turned into my morning inspiration!

I always have one book that I read for about ten minutes in the morning
to ground my thinking.

Melanie Henning 
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