Mere Meaningful Membership - Looking at Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity
Convictions and Handmaids
Corruption, Correction, Christianity
God is Our Daughter
AUDIOBOOK Version Now Available
The Granddaughter Test for Political Candidates
Spiritually Inadequate Obsessions - Trees on Mars by Hal Niedzviecki
Audiobook Sample - The Divine Daughter Foreword and Introduction (16 min)
Meaning Crisis? Frame, Unframe, Reframe!
Politics: Marrying Adversaries
Stranger Writing in Harmony
Alpha Males as Comforters
Peacemakers - Looking Over the Shoulders of Rene Girard and Jordan Peterson
Like Lost Puppies
So That's How the Amazon Author Page Services Work...
"Just Following Orders" - Abraham's Ideal and Correcting Processes
Marvel is Mythical
Becoming an Author - "Three-Word Poems"
Media Fallout And Education - Paglia, Peterson, and McLuhan
Today's Children on Crusade